About Us Visa Guidelines for USA Passport Holder
Consular Services

The Government of India has decided to restore all valid regular paper /e-visa [including long term 10 years tourist regular paper visa and 5 years e-visa] irrespective of its issue date, for the nationals of USA since 16 March 2022. Fresh issue of regular paper long term (10 years) tourist visas has also been restored for nationals of USA.

Maximum stay by a foreigner in India on an e-Tourist visa or regular paper Tourist visa or both in one calendar year shall be restricted to 180 days. Foreign nationals will not be allowed to enter India through land routes on e-Tourist Visa/regular paper Tourist Visa.

For issue of any visa, the passport must be valid for at least 6 months and it should have two blank pages.

In case of a minor applicant, Notarized Parental authorization form, duly signed by both the parents is mandatory, along with copies of their passports and marriage certificate.

E-Visa :

The process of obtaining e-visa may be seen at: https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/evisa/tvoa.html. The applicant may note that the Consulate does not process e-visas and any enquiries in this regard will need to be made directly on the e-visa portal.

Regular Paper visa through VFS Global only -

Applicants residing within the consular jurisdiction of the Consulate General of India, San Francisco may apply for regular visa at VFS Global https://visa.vfsglobal.com/usa/en/ind/apply-visa and send the completed physical application to VFS Global at:

642 Harrison Street, Suite 200, San Francisco, CA 94107
Website- https://services.vfsglobal.com/usa/en/ind/
Helpline: +1-800-320-9693

Registration of Foreigners

All foreigners (including foreigners of Indian origin) visiting India on long term (more than 180 days) Student Visa, Medical Visa, Employment Visa are required to get themselves registered with the Foreigners Regional Registration Officer (FRRO) / Foreigners Registration Officer (FRO) concerned having jurisdiction over the place where the foreigner intends to stay, within 14 days of arrival. All Business Visa (including e-Business visa) holders are required to register themselves with the FRRO/FRO concerned in case the aggregate stay in India on Business Visa exceeds 180 days during a calendar year.

Emergency Visa Service -

VFS Global will accept in-person applications, with prior appointment, on working days as well as on weekends /holidays, from US passport holders of Indian origin and their family members who are required to visit India due to a family emergency, such as critical illness or death of a family member. Documentary evidence will need to be provided and the applicant will be charged an emergency service fee (on weekends and holidays). Applicants within the consular jurisdiction of the Consulate General of India, San Francisco may contact VFS as per details given below to:

From Monday – Friday: Between 9 AM to 4 PM

Email: VFS_VisaSFO[at]vfsglobal[dot]com

Weekends and Holidays Only: Between 9AM to 4PM

Tel: +1-415-5281235

Diplomatic & Official Passport holders and Fullbright Scholars -

Diplomatic/official passport holders and Fullbright Scholars, may please send an email at acovisa[dot]cgisf[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in for guidance on the procedure to be followed.

Guidelines for International Travel -

Applicants are advised to go through the guidelines for international travel to India available at Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India website.

Travel arrangements -

Applicants are advised not to finalize their travel arrangements prior to issuance of visa.

San Francisco
05 July 2022


Consular Services