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Tender for Detection and Fixing of Fire line sprinklers leakage at Consulate General of India, San Francisco

Posted on: June 23, 2021 | Back | Print

Consulate General of India
San Francisco



          Sealed tenders in the form of two bid systems (Technical and financial), are invited by Consulate General of India, San Francisco from reputed companies for detection and fixing of fire line sprinklers leakage at Consulate General of India, San Francisco located at 540 Arguello Boulevard, San Francisco, CA, 94118. The tender should be submitted in prescribed format as laid down in the tender document. The tender documents duly filled in and complete in all respect should be addressed to the Head of Chancery, 540, Arguello Boulevard, San Francisco, CA 94118 and are to be submitted offline only before 4:30 PM on 2nd July 2021. The tenderers thus received will be opened at 3:00 PM on 5th July 2021. Tenderers or their representatives, who wish to be present during the tender opening, may do so. Tender document can be obtained from the Vice Consul (Admin), CGI, San Francisco (vcadmn.sf@mea.gov.in ) on any working day between 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM upto 1:00 PM of 2nd July 2021.

Alternatively, the tender document can be downloaded from the CGI, San Francisco website (www.cgisf.gov.in ) and from the Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP) of Govt. of India at https://eprocure.gov.in/epublish/app and https://eprocure.gov.in/cppp/ .



  1. Instruction to Bidders

Consulate General of India, San Francisco invites tender for fixing fire sprinklers leakage at Consulate General of India, San Francisco located at 540 Arguello Boulevard, San Francisco, CA, 94118.

The details of terms and conditions, schedule of work/ Specifications and format for technical and financial bid are available in the tender document. The bidders are instructed to go through Tender form thoroughly before quoting their rates. The tender documents can be obtained from VC(Admin), CGI San Francisco (vcadmn.sf@mea.gov.in). Alternatively the tender document can be downloaded from CGI, San Francisco website i.e. www.cgisf.gov.in or from the Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP) of Govt. of India at https://eprocure.gov.in/epublish/app  and https://eprocure.gov.in/cppp.

1.1. The tender is liable to be rejected if complete information is not given therein.

1.2. All bidders and/or their representatives, if they so desire, may be present at the opening of the tender (Technical Bids) by the constituted Committee at the time and date as specified in the schedule. It may be noted that under no circumstances tender received late shall be entertained.

1.3 Bidders are requested to submit their quotations/rates on one time basis (kindly refer to Annexure-II).

1.4 Price quoted should be in US$ and should be inclusive of all charges excluding taxes. In no case any enhancement in approved rate will be entertained by the Consulate during the currency period of contract. Tenders not complete in this respect are liable to be ignored. The quotations shall be furnished in two covers i.e. technical bids should be sealed in a separate cover while financial bids be sealed in other over and super scribed as tender “DETECTION AND FIXING OF FIRELINE SPRINKLERS LEAKAGE FIXING AT CONSULATE GENERAL OF INDIA, SAN FRANCISCO". Two separate covers will be sealed in the following manner:

(i) One cover containing the technical documents (i.e. Annexure-I duly filled in) includes documentary proof etc. (Technical bid)

(ii) Second cover containing the Rates (i.e. Annexure-II dully filled in) of this offer. (Financial bid)

1.5 The bidders shall, wherever, called upon to do so, give full information with reference to the services in hand and shall also permit the nominated officer of the Consulate to inspect the premises of the bidders at all reasonable times and shall give full assistance and information as may be required from him in connection with the contract.

1.6 Bidders, while submitting their tender form, shall enclose self-attested Photostat copies of experience, trade license essential for carrying out the activities under reference, license under contract labour act, and any other documents in support of permission from the Competent Authority for carrying out the activities under reference. Tender forms which are incomplete in any respect and not supported with such requisite documents, will be rejected by this Consulate.


  1. Conditions of Contract

2.1 The contract, if awarded, from the date of award and extendable for further period subject to continuous satisfactory performance. However, on failure on this aspect by the service provider, the Consulate will have the right to terminate the contract forthwith.

2.2 The service provider shall not sublet, transfer or assign the contract or any part thereof. In the event of the service provider contravening this condition, the firm can be blacklisted by this Consulate.

2.3  The Consulate may at any time, by notice in writing, summarily terminate the contract without compensation to the contractor in any form in case it is felt by this Consulate that the Bidder’s work has not been satisfactory or in any other event where the firm is facing some legal problems which may affect their performance working in this Consulate. The decision of this Consulate shall be final in this regard.

2.4 In the event of any dispute or difference relating to the interpretation and application of the provisions of the contracts, such dispute or difference shall be referred by either party to the Arbitration.

2.5 The Competent Authority reserves the right to reject any or all tender without assigning any reason whatsoever.

2.6 After evaluation of the technical bids, the financial bids of only the technically qualified bidders shall be opened for arriving at L-1 bidder.

2.7 In case of failure of the service provider/firm to comply with the provision of the terms and conditions mentioned in this Tender Document or the Agreement to be signed between Consulate and the successful Bidder, the Competent Authority of this Consulate reserves the right to terminate the contract & to blacklist the firm.

2.8 The agency shall be responsible for tasks ranging from minor to major, from unskilled to highly skilled including leakage detection, trench works and barricading, removal and disposal of concrete, replacement of concrete, repair/replacement of fire lines sprinklers/waterline. Bidders shall ascertain form local city authorities that if any permit is required for carrying out above work.

2.9 The contractor / agency will be responsible for compliance of all laws, acts and rules made there under, statutory orders issued from time to time in relation to the environment and man-power deployed by them for performance of the job under reference and the Consulate will have a right to be indemnified in respect of any consequences resulting from any breach or violation by the contractor of such rules, statutory obligations etc.

2.10 The contractor will be responsible for such conduct of the persons engaged by him in the Consulate and other premises, which will be conducive for maintaining as harmonious atmosphere as expected in the Consulate and will be responsible for any act & omission of such persons.

2.11 In the event of any violation of laws, rules, statutory provisions by the contractor, this will amount to breach of contract and in such case, the Consulate will have the right for terminating the contract, forthwith, without giving any notice or assigning any reason.

2.12 This Consulate reserves the right to terminate this contract in any eventuality, without any notice and without explaining any reasons to the Contractor. The Contractor shall not have claim for any compensation in such event of discontinuation of the Contract.


  1. Eligibility Criteria

3.1 The bidder should have a permanent place of business in San Francisco and Bay Area. The complete Postal Address, Telephone / Mobile / Fax / E-mail address, etc. should be provided, while submitting the completed tender form.

3.3 The firm should have relevant license like labour license etc for the purpose of taking up aforesaid work in San Francisco (Copies to be enclosed)

3.6 Experience in having successfully completed similar works during the last 3 years

Selection Criteria: -

The firm which Quotes the lowest overall rate (including taxes etc) shall be awarded the contract. In case 2 firms quotes the same rate, the firm which has got more experience in the relevant field shall be awarded the contract. The decision of the Tender Committee in this regard shall be final in this regard. It is also stated that the Bids which quote the amount of service charges of the firm as NIL shall be treated as unresponsive and will not be considered.


  1. Specification and allied technical details

4.1 Scope of Work:

The company will execute the work i.e detection and fixing of fire line sprinklers leakage at Consulate General of India, San Francisco located at 540 Arguello Boulevard, San Francisco, CA, 94118”.

The brief scope of work is mentioned below:-

(a) The above mentioned work should be carried out with service provider's own material & labour.

(b) The agency shall be responsible for tasks ranging from minor to major, from unskilled to highly skilled.

(c) The work includes leakage detection, trench works and barricading, removal and disposal of concrete, replacement of concrete, repair/replacement of fire lines sprinklers/waterline. Bidders shall ascertain form local city authorities that if any permit is required for carrying out above work.

(d) The service provider has to ensure that no harm shall be made to the premise and surrounding area of the building.

(e) After completion of the work the premises should be cleaned daily before stopping the work.

(f) The new materials and scrap, if any, is to be stacked properly in the premises so that no hindrance is created in car parking at designated place and smooth entry and exit in/out of the office.

(g) The scrap/malba generated, if any, to be disposed off daily.

(h) Any other related work


  1. Price Schedule

5.1 The Bidder(s) shall quote price in clear terms. Break up should abide by the Format for Financial Bid described in Financial Bid format in Annexure-II. The taxes applicable should be shown separately and clearly. Any change in taxes or levies made by the Consulate after finalization of Tender will be applicable at the time of billing. The Financial Bids should strictly conform prescribed Financial bid format to enable evaluation of bids. Bids having any hidden costs or conditional costs are liable to be rejected.

5.2 Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed and no variation will be allowed under any circumstances except that of change in tax rates.

5.3 Prices shall be quoted in US Dollar.

5.4 Payment: The service provider will be required to submit his bill along with service report duly signed by authorized person. The payment will be released by the Consulate by cheque as per the terms & conditions.

5.5 The rates once accepted by Consulate shall remain unaltered throughout the period of contract.

5.6 The tenderer will quote the rates in respect of job /services described above in various paras and will fill Annexure-II appended herewith.



  1. Important schedules and dates are enumerated below:-

            a. Last date for submission of bids: 2nd July 2021 by 1630 hrs.

            b. Date of opening of bids: 5th July 2021 at 1500 hrs. (Bidders or their representatives may wish to be present)

            c. Venue for opening of bids: Consulate General of India, 540 Arguello Blvd, San Francisco, California - 94118


  1. Bids may be submitted physically or postal mail at following address: Head of Chancery, Consulate General of India, 540 Arguello Blvd, San Francisco, California - 94118.


  1. For clarifications/ queries, if any prior to submission of bid, prospective bidders may contact Vice Consul (Admn) at vcadmn.sf@mea.gov.in or through telephone 415-668-0683 (Extn.-183) during office hours from 8:45 AM to 5:15 PM on working days.


(Nandi Chaudhary)

Vice Consul

23rd June 2021







  1. Name of the firm

2 a. Full Postal Address of office

  1. Mobile Phone No.
  2. Telephone No.
  3. Fax No.
  4. Date of Establishment of Firm
  5. Name of the Contract person to whom all reference shall be made regarding this tender
  6. Service Tax details
  7. Labour License.
  8. Experience as required in the Tender Document (proof to be enclosed)
  9. Any other information which you consider necessary to furnish


  1. a) I, the undersigned certify that I have gone through the terms and condition mentioned in the tender document and undertake to comply with them.
  2. b) The rates quoted by me are valid and binding upon me for the entire period contract
  3. c) I hereby had undertaken to render the service as per direction given in the tender document

Date: - Signature of the Bidder: -

Place: - Full Name: -

Designation: -

(Office seal of the Bidder)












The tender should quote rates, which shall be inclusive of all the charges Viz. Labour Charges, Input cost, Materials Charges, Services Charges etc. and any other statutory obligations as the case may be.

  1. Detail of Scope of work



  1. Price for jobs (in US$)



  1. Service charge of the firm, if any



Signature and Seal of the bidder/contractor






